
Winning Strategies & Bold Predictions for anything and everything fantasy football, all before that final flush!

I made 20k playing Fantasy Football last year.

Yes… this was a very click-baity headline. I’ll admit that. But I had to get your attention somehow. What I accomplished last year gave me the confidence to finally start this blog. It allows me to combine two of my favorite hobbies, writing and fantasy football. I figured if I can do it, why not share some of the things that worked for me? This way other people can share my experience as well.

So, I will be posting some of the strategies and tips that worked for me last year. I will try to pump these out, hopefully, before most of your drafts. I also want to be as transparent as possible. I don’t want to be a snake oil salesman of fantasy football. I will be posting updates on how my teams are doing throughout the week. This will culminate with a year-end review of how my teams performed. I will lay it all out there for you guys, the good and the bad. I will also show how much money I have invested vs the profits, if any, I have made by the end of the year. I hope you guys stick around and follow along with me on this journey. Who knows, maybe one of these posts helps you win big this year.

The fruits of my labor.

Here’s the proof you guys have been waiting for so you don’t think I’m full of it. My biggest winnings came from Underdog Fantasy. Underdog Fantasy is an online sports gaming company that offers season-long fantasy football.

9k winnings from my Weekly Underdog Fantasy team.
10k Winning from a Weekly Battle Royale on Underdog.

Last, but not least…

My favorite win from last season. Any fantasy football manager will let you know, that nothing beats the bragging rights of winning your home league.

Home league winner and first place prize of $900

It was a nice way to end a good year of fantasy football. Hopefully this year is as successful as last year. Good luck to all of you drafting and I hope you guys are able to win the big one as well.

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